
Disney has a very special place in my heart. I grew up watching Disney movies and believing anything is possible. As a kid I loved fairytales and I still do. Sometimes people are a little confused as to why Disney has such a big place in my life. The answer is simple: Walt Disney had a dream which materialized into a company that not only fulfilled his dreams but also brought magic to life for the world. Magic does not have to be the ability to change rags into a ball gown. Magic can be the ability to see the world from a different point of view.

In my experience many people look at the world through a pair of cynical tinted glasses. I choose to look at the world in a positive light. There certainly are some things that happen day to day that get under my skin and make me upset. I have had the days where I just want to curl up under a blanket and hope the world forgets about me. But no one ever became stronger by rolling over and giving up. The people who choose to give into their weaknesses are those who go vent on the Internet about all their troubles and hope people feel sorry for them. Those who come across a bad situation and decide to make something positive out of it are those who see the good in life and thus improve their own happiness as well as the happiness of those around them. 

Very simply put, focusing on the negatives in life is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Life is a beautiful and magical experience where anything is possible. Be thankful for the life you have and make a positive situation out of everything. You will notice a drastic change in your out look on life and will see all the magic that life has to offer.

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