What Stresses You Out?

Stress is defined by Google as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. We all experience stress and the triggers as well as how we deal with stress is different for each of us.

For some people when they feel stressed it is a fuel that motivates them to push themselves to work harder. Other people get over whelmed when they feel stressed. We all have different ways of dealing with stress. But no matter how you deal with stress there a few steps you can follow to get to the root of your stress and resolve it.

The first step is to get to the bottom of what is causing us to feel stressed and be specific about it. In my case I get stressed when I have a lot of thoughts in my head. The second step is to understand why that is stressful for you. In my case I am afraid something will fall through the cracks. The third step is how can you resolve your stressful situation now that you know the cause and why it is stressful for you. In my case I get a completely blank sheet of paper and write down everything in my head. In doing this I instantly feel better because nothing will fall through the cracks and I often realize I do not have as much to do as I had originally thought.

How do you deal with stress? Do you deal with stress well? Do you know what causes your stress? Are your methods of resolving your stress working for you or do you need to reevaluate?

Image Link: http://www.allouteffort.com/2013/09/the-upside-to-stress.html

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