What are the Holidays Really About?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone even if it is a few days late! I hope that you had a good time with your family and friends. I know that I had an amazing time spending time with my family on the trip we took to Kalahari. The holidays are my favorite time of year. I love the decorations, the crisp air, the clothes, the food, and the family and friend time. The holidays for me are always a time to reflect on the achievements of the year and reevaluate for the New Year. I find it really disheartening when people view the holidays as a time for gifts and are only thinking of the things they will be getting.

Over the weekend my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas and to be honest I had no answer for her. I had to think for a while before I had any suggestions for her. I ended up giving her some practical present ideas if she wanted to get me anything. The items I suggested included a few books, a few chargers, and some organizers. The look she gave me was one of shock that there was not more on my list. But I have always been a practical person so I gave her a few things that I would get a lot of use out of.

The fact that I was struggling to come up with any ideas just made me realize that is how the holidays should be. We should not be thinking about all the things that we are getting during the holidays. We live in a consumerism society and it often encourages people to feel like they need more stuff. I know a number of people who have a laundry list of things they want for Christmas. When did the holidays come to be just about gifts?

I hope you are having a lovely holiday season so far and don’t let the holiday want take over your life. What is your favorite part of the holidays? What are your thoughts on gifts? Do you think that gift giving has gotten out of hand?

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