Is Ignorance Really Bad?

People think I am ignorant and here is why. Everyone thinks I am ignorant because I have an irrational faith in people. I believe everyone is a good person before they open their mouths. I always think the best in people until they give me a reason to think otherwise. The reason people think I am ignorant is because most people today walk around like a cynic and think everyone is out to scam them. 99% of the time their cynicism protects them and the few scammers are unsuccessful. But the damage is already done, every single person they have interacted with they instantly thought the worst of them before a word even came out of their mouth...I think this is the worst part. These people have already shut down and tuned out normal people who had no intension of doing them any harm. I know there are scam artists out there and around the holidays they are everywhere. I know that not everyone is honest and genuine. But I would rather think the best of everyone and not be a cynic even if that means I get scammed because I never want to lump good people in with the bad as a result of the cynic mindset. Not only that but the cynic mindset is toxic. It may start simply trying to look out for yourself but quickly you will find it leaches into the rest of you me I have been there and it is really difficult to get rid of.

I hope you follow my example because it has made all the difference in my life. I now see all the opportunities in life instead of seeing all the dangers. It has allowed me to start living my life for me and to not be afraid. And most importantly for me it has made me much happier. I am a naturally happy person and to walk around like a cynic was absolutely exhausting causing me to be unhappy all of the time.

I know this is a short post but it is something that has been weighing on my mind and heart so I wanted to share it with you all. Leave your thoughts below. Do you think cynicism is healthy? Do you think there is a fine line between realistic and being too ignorant? Do you think a healthy dose of ignorance is a good thing?

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